Over all, I like this book. The characters are realistic and personable. The setting is your typical Amish community. The plot could have easily been taken from some one's life story. The writing is mostly solid. The issues I do have surround the timeline (I believe a few happenings do not match the timeline) and some unanswered questions. I have tried to see if there is to be a sequel to this book and from what I can tell, there is not, but there could be because not all questions are answered. Overall, those two problems do not ruin the book.
As I read Leaving Lancaster I finally put my finger on an issue that is common with novels set in the Amish Community. The characters are drawn to the community based on the community itself, the simplicity in which it lives, and the character's tie to family. It isn't often that we get an in depth view of the character's relationship with God. It seems that the Amish are more known for living off the grid than they are for their faith. Leaving Lancaster hints at spirituality, but doesn't fully deliver. I rarely give a rating that is not a whole number, but I just cannot decide this time, so I say 3.5 stars out of 5.
Kate Lloyd lives with her husband in the Pacific Northwest but spends time on the East coast with her friends in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. In college she studied painting and sculpture, then began working a series of jobs including car salesman. This is her second book.
Leaving Lancaster written by Kate Lloyd, published by David C. Cook