The Sacred Journey by Charles Foster explores the idea of pilgrimage, a sacred journey. Foster tries to discuss how God sees pilgrimage. He looks at the question of "why?" He has chapters about before, during, and after the journey. He believes that pilgrimage is an essential part of life, necessary even, if you call yourself a Christian.
Perhaps my expectations for this book were too high, but I was very disappointed. I began reading and it wasn't long before I was reaching for my Bible, commentary, and other such tools. I found his theology to be off. He'd start with a solid idea, but then take it a step or two further than he should have. I wondered just who Foster was and he is an English author and adventurer. He is not a theologian. I even wondered if he was a Christian. I don't have a problem reading a book by someone who isn't, but I had been lead to believe that this volume was written by one. I also found issue with his bouncing back and forth on his assertion that pilgrimage must be a physical journey, not merely a mental/emotional or otherwise process versus the non physical journey being okay. It's as if he wanted to say that it must be physical, but he didn't want to offend anyone unable to make such an undertaking and had to have a back door for himself. I cannot recommend this book. The topic is intriguing, but the work itself, not so much.
The Sacred Journey is written by Charles Foster and published by Thomas Nelson. Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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