Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Saving Leonardo

You can have a strong Christian faith as long as you do not force it on anyone else.  It doesn't matter what we do with our bodies because they are just muscle and bone.  You can live whatever lifestyle you want because there is no reason not to.  These beliefs and others are among issues covered by Nancy Pearcey in her book Saving Leonardo, A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on the Mind, Morals, and Meaning.  After establishing how Western thought was split into two halves, she takes arguments from society, liberal philosophers, and even scientists to reveals the conspiracy to the extract all Christian thinking and belief from the public square.  She dissects the vocabulary used by these people and helps the reader understand the plans they have.  In doing so, she teaches the reader how to respond to the arguments of secularism.  She delves into the two paths that have led us to this current state.  She reveals how modern film reflects the post modern beliefs now accepted by society.  She even shows how these philosophies have invaded our churches, especially targeting our young people.  Pearcey closes her book by offering instruction to Christians on how to respond to secular arguments.  Furthermore, she suggests how we can begin to replacing all these bad thoughts and culture with good thoughts and culture.  The goal to be returning the two separate halves to one complete being.

Nancy Pearcey was an agnostic before becoming a Christian.  She has written or co written a vast number of books and articles.  She has spoken to a variety of audiences on matters of philosophy, faith, culture, science, and worldview.  Pearcey is currently a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute.  She is also a wife and homeschooling mother of two. 

There are many Christians who are not aware such issues exist.  There are many Christians who believe we should stick to our Christian communities and leave the world to itself.  There are many who believe that what is happening is bad, but do not have an idea of how to fight it.  This book would be a wise choice for anyone.  Secularism is not going to go aware if we ignore it.  We cannot fight it by suggesting a blind faith.  If we are to engage in battle, we have to understand the tactics of the enemy.  This book is an excellent tool for anyone seeking to understand and combat the current worldview.  I highly recommend it for parents and those who work with young people so that they can understand what the next generation is facing.  If we blindly turn away from this now, we have no right to remark on the direction our world is going.  Furthermore, it will help each and every person see how Secularism is sneaking into our personal lives, to address areas in our lives where we are weak in our faith and beliefs.

This is a 5 on The Ruminating Reader Scale, chew this slowly and digest it.  Then go back for another serving!

Saving Leonardo A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on the Mind, Morals, and Meaning by Nancy Pearcey.  Published by B&H Publishing Group.

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