Growing up is not easy and there are many things a young lady should know. This book provides help to girls and their parents in learning these things. Topics covered include manners, fashion, etiquette, relationships, entertaining, and knowing God. Scattered through the chapters are fun quizzes and craft activities. Walsh speaks frankly to her audience, tells them they are a princess and makes it plain that certain things are required of them. Her book helps girls to see what areas of their personal lives they need improvement in. She helps to calm those that are nervous about growing up.
I still am not sure what audience this book is intended for. The topics covered suggest the preteen/early teen market, but I am not sure many girls of that age find the princess genre appealing. That said, I think that the content within is interesting enough that most girls would be able to overlook the presentation. It does introduce them to the idea that they are daughters of the King, of royalty beyond this Earth. I think the quizzes are fun and I am tempted to try some of the crafts with my oldest daughter (who is still a bit young for the content). I think this book could be a lot of fun for a mother/daughter to read together. It would provide many great conversation starters. I received this book in electronic form, but think I will look into getting a hard copy to use with my girls when they get a bit older. I give How to Be God's Little Princess 4 out of 5 pieces of bacon.
Sheila Walsh was born in Scotland and travelled around a bit before finding herself at home in America. She has hosted shows on TV as well as writing both fiction and non fiction. She has also toured as a speaker with Women of Faith. She is currently working on her Master's Degree. She lives in Texas with her husband and son.
Look in the mirror! Who is staring back? A princess. And she is you! You're growing up, life is changing and you're excited to see what's going to happen next.
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