Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Deeper Kind of Calm

"God has a different answer for pain.  His answer is found in the Psalms."

A Deeper Kind of Calm goes right to the Word of God to learn the answer to, "how do I handle the pain of life?"  Using the Psalms, Dillow teaches us to remember what God has done, hide in His presence, cling to Him, and praise Him for all we cannot see.  She shows us that it is possible to go through trials without falling apart.  It is possible to be joyful when suffering.  We can grow more intimate with God as we are challenged.  Dillow shares stories of women in her life who have gone through trials.  In their own words, these women lead the way in being victorious through our suffering.

In the last several years I have read many books on the topic of suffering and trials.  This may be the first to step over the question of, "why," and explore how to get through!  There is no lofty philosophy here, just the simply spoken words of the Psalmists and Dillow's plain explanations and encouragement.  This is really one of the best books on suffering and trials that I have read.  The book is divided into five chapters to read.  At the end of the book is a study guide you can do by yourself or with a group.  If you do want to know why God allows suffering, she has a page of resources you can follow up with.  This is a great book to own and to give.  If you're suffering or not, it will enrich your life and prepare you for the road ahead.  I give A Deeper Kind of Calm 5 out of 5 pieces of bacon.

Linda Dillow is a wife, mother, grandmother, speaker, and author.  She has been a missionary on three continents.  She writes about intimacy, handling anxiety and disappointment, and living out the Christian faith. 

A Deeper Kind of Calm by Linda Dillow, published by NavPress.

"Steadfast faith in the midst of adversity"

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