Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Muir House

She left one life behind for another, quite different than how she grew up, but she's learning she hasn't left it behind.  Haunted by dreams and memories that she can't remember or place in her life, she begins a journey to claim the truth.  Willa Muir goes home, to the house she grew up in, The Muir House.  She finds the memory of her cherished father, the failing health of an unloving mother, and the mysterious grumpiness of the house caretaker.  Old and new friends help and hinder her quest.  Will she find the truth or will she learn to live with mystery?

What is the secret to Willa's past?  Who wouldn't love that?  Personal mysteries are among my favorite reads.  This book does a fairly good job of taking the reader along on the journey.  Early on I felt that some of Willa's actions were over the top, but as the book unfolded, I better understood the direction DeMuth was trying to take her.  The other characters are nicely developed and realistic.  Another interesting aspect was the development of Willa's faith.  At the beginning, she isn't sure what she believes, if she can trust God.  As everything else is stripped away, she's left with God and learns what she believes.  By the end of the book, she knows God can be trusted, even when nothing/no one else can.  The Ruminating Reader will award The Muir House four pieces of bacon.

Mary DeMuth is a wife, mother, and writer of both fiction and non fiction.  She teaches and mentors writers.

 "My guess is that you're so used to believing the crap in your life that you've crowded out the beauty." 

1 comment:

  1. I so appreciate you taking the time to read the book and offer a review!


I'd like to read what you have to write.